
Gangolfskapelle (Neudenau) Der Gangolfsaltar ist der ursprüngliche Hochaltar der Kirche und soll einst auf 1501 datiert gewesen sein. Sein Mittelschrein enthält die drei Standfiguren von St. Gangolf mit Hut, Stab und Schwert, St. Mauritius und dem mit dem Schwert seinen Mantel teilenden Hl. Martin. Die Altarflügel zeigen auf den Innenseiten je zwei Szenen aus dem Leben Gangolfs
Heiliger Gangolf. Illumination from the Passionary of Weissenau (Weißenauer Passionale); Fondation Bodmer, Coligny, Switzerland; Cod. Bodmer 127, fol. 66v, by unknown master or ‘Frater Rufillus’, 1170-1200

St Gangolf (Amorbach, Bayern, Germany). St. Gangolf first right of the High Altar.


The Arms of Bamberg (D)


The church of St Gangolf in Bamberg (D)


Painting, Champvans (39) Fr


A forlorn figure of St Gengoult presides over the well-house at Champvans (39) France



Église St Gengulphe, Bourcia (39) Fr



La source de St Gengoul à Chasséricourt (10) Fr.  Auteur:  B. Delmontey



St Joseph and Infant, with St John Nepomuk and St Gangolf (with sword and standard), Drosendorf, Austria



Chapelle St Gangulf, Einsiedeln (CH)



The Arms of Gangloffsömmern


Gennes (49), equestrian portrait of the Saint



Equestrian statue, Gennes (49) Fr.



La fontaine de St Gangulphe, Guessling (57) Fr. Figure of the Saint. 



Statue of St Gangulphe, Guessling (57)



Socle with painting of St Gangolf
at Kluftern



Figure of St Gangolf, Kluftern
Author:  Andreas Praefcke



Statue of St Gangolf at Kluftern
Author:  Andreas Praefcke



St Gangolf, window, Kluftern


The collegiate church of SS Michael and Gangolphe
Lautenbach (68) Fr



St Michael and St Gangolphe, Lautenbach Fr



Figure of St Gengoux at Maconge (21) Fr



Bust in the Gangolfskapelle
on the Milseburg (D)



Equestrian statue, Moissey (39)
Drawing by Ivan Perrin



Moissey (39), statue



Moissey (39), window depicting St Gengoul



Porte-cierge with figure of our Saint



Equestrian statue formerly at Moxhe




Image of St Gengulphus from the Stuttgarter Passionale ca. 1120/30 – Note the early depiction of a hand-held cross as an attribute.




The church of St Gangolf, Neudenau, ca 1972



The Arms of Röttingen



St Gengoul, Sacey




The Arms of St Gangloff




St Gengoux de Scissé (71), dedicated in honour of the Saint prior to 801



St Gengoux de Scissé (71) – dedicated to St Gengoux before 801! As this dedication occurs less than 40 years after the widely accepted date for the Saint’s death, and in a different diocese, and at a distance of some 220 km from his place of burial, it provides significant evidence for the early establishment and rapid spread of his cultus.



Reliquary of St Gangulfus, Sint Truiden, (Limburg, B)



High in the forest of Chailluz, the ruins of
the original chapel of St Gengulph at Tallenay (25) Fr




La Fontaine Miraculeuse, Tallenay (25) Fr



The Chapel of St Gengulph.  Drawing by Annibal Dias
The site of the miraculous spring at Varennes sur Amance




Mosaic in the parish church of Varennes sur Amance (52)


Figure in the high altar retable, Vuillafans (25)



St Gengoulf with St Vernier – Side-altar, Vuillafans (25)



Equestrian statue, Wierre au Bois (62)



Chapelle St Gengoulf, Zimming (57) Fr
Auteur:  M. François Folschweiller


The spring and tree at Zimming associated with St Gengulphus
 Auteur:  Fr. Folschweiller


10th C. Chapelle St Gengoult, Grièges (01) Fr

Sint-Gangulfuskerk (protestants)

Interior of Gangulfuskerk in Ee (Friesland, NL);  now a Protestant church; built ca. 1220
Interior of Gangulfuskerk in Visvliet (Groningen, NL);  now a Protestant church (1427).


Interior of Sint-Gangulfuskerk, Sint-Truiden (Limburg, B) view from the east end;  Built 1055-82.